
YOGA - Art of relieving Cervical Spondylosis

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Yoga - Art of relieving Cervical Spondylosis

Date: June 11, 2022

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Yoga poses help us to reduce the severity of disease symptoms and provide long-lasting benefits.

Performing Yogasanas is one of the simplest yogic form to relieve cervical spondylosis symptoms.

What is Cervical Spondylosis?

Cervical Spondylosis affects the cervical spine. The cervical spine refer to C1 - C7 vertebrae that forms the neck. These vertebrae along with intervertebral discs and ligaments get deteriorated due to cervical spondylosis. It results in losing the ability to provide cushioning to the neck. People suffering from cervical spondylosis experience the pain and stiffness around the neck and shoulder region, numbness, difficulty in reflexes, and in extreme situations even vertigo appears.

Few causes of this problem are incorrect body posture, continuous sitting for long hours, lack of physical activities, sedentary lifestyle, hunching, and excessive use of mobile and laptop screens. Nowadays It seems to be very common among all age peoples.

Cervical Spondylosis

Stress is also one of major contributor to cervical spondylosis. With the yogic practices like asanas, pranayama, etc one can beat stress and cure cervical spondylosis as well.

Cervical Spondylosis

Altered Yoga asanas for spondylosis came from the ancient yogic science.

As the spine and the neck provide basic framework to our body. Hence taking care of our neck and spine is necessary, if we don’t want to fall prey to cervical spondylosis.

We all are gifted with this precious body, so taking utmost care of our body is our own responsibility. Inculcate Yoga in your lifestyle. Stay healthy stay happy!!!

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